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Rhyming is words that have the same ending sounds. The objectives of the Rhyming is to enhances early reading skills and phonemic awareness. In fact research highlights phonemic awareness as a strong predictor of a child's reading success. Besides rhyming also could develop students' creativity.
. The objective of the Maze Story is to enhance the thinking skill of the students where they have to read the passage and figure out the solution
Storytelling was found to be a valuable tool for motivating students to listen and improve reading skills, and as a springboard for beginning units and skill development.
Reading Instruction activity would help students to motivate reading especially when the instruction is the one that they could enjoy. So, we chose Origami Reading Instruction as this might relax the students too.

A "cloze passage" is a reading comprehension exercise in which words have been omitted in a systematic fashion. Students fill in the blanks, and their responses are counted correct if they are exact matches for the missing words. The objective is to predict words that belong in the blanks of the cloze passage